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tv   Fox 5 Morning News at 425am  FOX  August 30, 2012 4:25am-5:00am EDT

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good morning to you. it is thursday, august 30th. you are looking at a live picture down in new orleans of some street flooding. this is all as a result of the heavy rains being dumped on that area as a result of the storm. we'll have full reports on that as well as our local forecast coming up in just a second. our big story, some new video into fox 5 news this morning of the devastating floods in parts of louisiana. this is from the st. john parish. one of the hardest hit areas there. the governor of louisiana says thousands of people need to
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evacuate the area because of the flooding. >> in nearby plaquemines parish, equipment is being brought in to cut a hole in one of the levees to relieve some pressure. isaac spawned a destructive tornado in mississippi leaving several buildings destroyed. the storm also brought down trees and power lines. good morning. i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin. welcome to fox 5 morning news. we have a lot to talk about this morning. time to get a quick check on the weather with tucker barnes. >> good morning. temperatures falling back into the 60s. very comfortable start. should be another beautiful day with high temperatures a little warmer than yesterday, upper 80s to about 90. i'll give you the latest with isaac still churning around there. portions of the deep towght include louisiana and a rot of rain in mississippi this hour. isaac still a tropical storm at this hour. maximum winds, 50 miles per
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hour. the pressure is up 50 miles from yesterday. still crawling off from the north and west at five miles per hour. this story will continue for another day or two as it continues to push to the north. more details on our weather and we'll take a peek at our weekend in just a minute. back to you. >> thank you. president obama has declared federal emergencies for areas of louisiana and mississippi hit hard by now tropical storm isaac. this as that slow-moving storm continues making its way inland bringing with it more heavy rain and strong winds. and louisiana, plaquemines parish and st. john the baptist parish have experienced some of the worst flooding. hundreds of thousands of people living this those states are without power right now. the republican national convention wraps up tonight. last night, the party rolled out some of its biggest names to the stage including running mate paul ryan. we have a report.
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>> reporter: it is a prime-time debut for the vice presidential nominee, paul ryan, delivering his acceptance speech. >> i accept the duty to help lead our nation out of a jobs crisis and back to prosperity and i know we can do this. >> reporter: the 42-year-old lawmaker has been a harsh critic of the president and a favorite target for the democrats. >> what did taxpayers get out of the obama stimulus? more debt. that money wasn't just spent and wasted. it was borrowed, spent and wasted. >> reporter: former secretary of state condoleezza rice, thought to be a possible vice presidential contender, also addressed the crowd. >> my fellow americans, we do not have a choice. we cannot be reluctant to lead and you cannot lead from behind. mitt romney and paul ryan understand this reality. our well-being at hem and our
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leadership abroad are inextricably linked. they know what to do. >> reporter: presidential candidate john mccain passed the torch to this year's ticket. >> we charge him with the care of a high are cause. his election represents the best hopes for our country and the world. >> the problems of the va are serious and got to be fixed. we are in danger of another generation of veterans losing their faith in the va system. >> tonight is the climax of the republican national convention. mitt romney is expected to talk a little bit more about his mormon faith during his acceptance speech. in sports, the redskins wrapped up a preseason with a win over the bucs 30-3. most of the starters did not play. back-up quarterback kurt cuss i
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understand played in the the third quarter and played for 232 yards and one interception. good morning. it is august 30th. we are taking live pictures right now down there in new orleans, louisiana where they are still getting rain at this hour due to tropical storm -- now tropical storm isaac. yesterday, of course, at this time, it was a hurricane. still just hanging out there getting pretty windy and keeping the rain coming down as well. good morning, everyone. i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin. you have to feel for the people of louisiana. they dealt with this last time with hurricane katrina and now they have the wind and rain. >> yes, isaac packing a pretty good punch. we'll take a look at that in just a minute but i thought we'd do local weather.
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reagan national is currently back up into the comfortable range, 72 degrees. humidity, 71%. should be another gorgeous day us for. a nice-looking thursday for us. lots of sunshine, quiet tornadoes, upper 80s to about 90 in fredericksburg. we should be dry today. looking at the weekend forecast, we have the possibility of the remnants of isaac in here as early as sunday. we'll have details on that. isaac still a tropical storm at this hour with maximum winds at 50 miles per hour. we'll look at that. >> it seemed a little warmer than i was thinking it was going to be. maybe my body is messed up trying to figure out what the temperature is. one person i know would for the complain if it was warmer than 85 is julie wright. >> as long as it's sunny and 85, i'm good to go. we are off to a quiet start
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compared to the last couple of days. no issues to report southbound along 270 coming in out of germantown. all lanes are open on the top stretch of the beltway between college park and bethesda at northbound i-95. 395 in good shape leaving the beltway to the 14th street bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. we continue tracking isaac which is now a tropical storm. even though it's weakened, the storm is still pounding parts of louisiana and mississippi with heavy rain and strong winds. >> president obama has declared states of emergencies in parts of those states. nicole collin has a look at the damage. >> reporter: conditions here have improved but still remain unsafe prompting a dusk to dawn curfew.
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isaac pummeling the gulf coast as it churns inland. the wind, rain appear storm surge causing massive flooding. >> it was kind. crazy. it was really windy, really wet and there was branches all over the place. >> reporter: plaquemines parish one were the hardest hit areas. crews going out in boats to rescue people and their pets from flood waters. the governor traveling to the area meet with evacuees and assess the damage. >> here in plaquemines parish, they've been conducting active search and rescue missions. national guard, sheriff's deputies, private citizens reported at least 35 people have been rescued. >> reporter: president obama staying in such with emergency management officials through outthe day as he hits the campaign trail in virginia. he says residents affected by isaac will get all the help they need from the federal government. >> we are going to make sure that we are doing every single thing that we need to do to
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ensure that the folks down there are taken care of and have the support and the love of the rest of this country. because when things like this happen, there are no democrats or republicans. there are just americans. >> reporter: a louisiana national guard spokesman says search and rescue operations are complete in plaquemines parish and that no bodies were turned up in that flood water. in new orleans, nicole collins, fox news. >> coming up in the next hour, we bring you live reports from new orleans with the latest. the republican national convention wraps up tonight. last night included a who's who list of republicans. condoleezza rice and john mccain were among the highlight speakers. but this was running mate paul ryan's time. he largely focused on fiscal
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issues and hit president obama hard on the economy and health care. >> i accept the calling of my generation to give our children the america that was given to us with opportunity for the young and security for the old. and i know we are ready. our nominee is sure ready. his whole life prepared him for this moment. >> mitt romney is scheduled to give his acceptance speech at 10:00 tonight. our big story, the final chapter in a university of virginia la crosse murder case. melanie alnwick has the latest. >> reporter: today, george huguely will learn how much time he will spend behind bars for the death of his
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girlfriend, yeardley love. his family filed an appeal for leniency. huguely did not testify during his trial in february and did not ever apologize or express remorse to the jury. prosecutors had sought a first degree murder conviction but jurors found that huguely did not intend to kill his girlfriend, instead, convicting him of second degree murder. george huguely was 22 years old at the time of the murder. he and yeardley love, also a 22- year-old la crosse player, were known to have a volatile relationship. they argued and fought in her apartment. she was found beaten to death a short time later. the jury recommended a 26-year sentence including one year for grands larceny of love's computer. huguely's family is asking the judge for just a 14-year sentence. the judge can reduce the jury's recommendation but he cannot increase t the hearing is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. coming up, a frightening scene on one road. a car jumps the curb and slams
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into a group of kids. turns out the driver is 100 years old. >> up next,the details of what he says happened as we check more headlines. [ female announcer ] these are the crescents you love on a holiday.
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and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs with just a few ingredients you have an easy dinner... pillsbury crescent dogs... school night ideas made easy. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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headaching headlines this mornings, four children reman in serious condition after being hit by an elderly driver in los angeles. the 100-year-old man backed his car onto a sidewalk near an elementary school hitting 11 people, including nine children. the driver says his brakes failed when he tried to back out of a parking lot. all the victims are expected to survive. police say the man does have a valid driver's license. david chelane was caught on a live microphone talking about the romneys attending the republican national convention while hurricane isaac churned in the gulf of mexico. you have to listen carefully to
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hear him in this audio from news busters. >> yes, it is exaggerated. >> in a statement, yahoo news says his statement was inappropriate and does not represent the views of yahoo. he has been terminated effective immediately. we have already reached out to the romney campaign and we apologize for mitt romney, his staff and supporters who were offended. a vinceing win over the buccaneers 30-3. -- a convincing win over the buccaneers 30-3. kevin royceer tornado roy h he want lu returned from injuries and scored three touchdowns. we continue to track
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tropical storm isaac. up next, parts of louisiana and mississippi getting hit hard. >> the big question, how long will isaac slam the gulf. let's check in with talker. >> around here, absolutely beautiful start to the day. still nighttime but it will be a beautiful start to the day. temperatures overnight falling into the 60s. i'll have the weather forecast for you and julie wright has your traffic too right after the break. 
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welcome back to fox 5 morning news. live look right now at new orleans. this is a live look of some flooding going on down there on what is now a tropical storm. yesterday, hurricane conditions, strong winds, rains. i don't want to get too much into it because that is tucker's territory to describe what is happening. >> new orleans didn't seem to get -- it wasn't so bad but it was that plaquemines parish that really had some flooding. >> the city itself is in pretty good shape. some trees down. they still have a lot of clean- up, just not what they dealt with after katrina. things are winding down in new orleans. but not yet in the deep south here as we continue to have very heavy rain falling across many states including louisiana
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there, mississippi, alabama, still getting in on the rain. you can see the spiral nature of our tropical storm still intact. here we are 24 hours later. that is basically where the center of circulation continues to spin here just to the north and to the west of new orleans. what is left of isaac tracking off to the north and west at just five miles per hour and you can see still doing a pretty good job of pulling up moisture off the northern gulf. we ar still getting these spiral bands of extremely heavy rain and even some reports of tornadoes in the late evening hours. there continues to be the threat of very heavy rain across portions of louisiana and mississippi here. this whole system will continue to finally push away. not quite done yet. all right. let's do local weather and of course, around here, a gorgeous day. today will be more of the same. sarah mentioned yesterday it
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got nice and warm with temperatures in the mid-80s. we'll be in the upper 80s to about 90 this afternoon. 65 out at dulles. 64 this morning in manassas. 64 in leonardtown. nice start to your day and lots of sunshine expected. look how quiet our satellite- radar is. nothing going on. we've got quiet conditions. lots of clear skies. beautiful moon out there if you saw it last night. second full moon this month and we are not expecting any moisture around here any time soon. our next chance doesn't arrive until sunday as some of the remnants start to get mixed into the next frontal system. # # for us this afternoon. a little warmer overnight tonight, 73. let me mention that tomorrow and saturday are going to be on the hot side, particularly tomorrow with temperatures topping out in the low to mid- 90s. -- 88 for us this afternoon.
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you got plans on sunday, i think most of sunday dry. this will be the second half of sunday and monday. let's do some traffic and see if julie is smiling after 85 and sunny yesterday. >> you know those 90s? that is me telling mother nature i'm not ready for summer to end. just because the kids go back to school doesn't mean it has to turn cold. that's my motto. traveling the top stretch of the beltway between college park and bethesda, the construction has cleared notch problems reported on 50 leaving annapolis and bowie headed for the beltway. 270 still an easy drive out of germantown. you will find lanes are open coming across the american legion bridge. traffic continues to run with ease eastbound along 66. here we go coming inbound from manassas towards centreville. no problems headed in towards fair oaks. we are monitoring metro and a creepy incident on board a train.
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48-year-old robert scott, jr. is accused of inappropriately touching himself on a train at reagan national airport last month. police made the arrest after some witnesses called metro's new online reporting system. scott has since pled guilty and will serve four months for two counts ever indecent exposure. new developments in the case of a bike stolen from a child with special needs. >> did the police say you took ethan's bike? >> no, i didn't. get away from my door. >> that is not all that man had to say. find out why this saga is still far from over. stay with us. [ mom ] dear chex cereal,
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i've never written a fan letter before, but you've done the impossible. you made gluten free cereals in a whole bunch of yummy flavors. cinnamon chex and honey nut chex are two of our favorites. when my husband found the chocolate one, we were in cereal heaven. the only problem is, with so many great flavors, you're making it very hard to choose. your fans, the mcgregor family. 'cause we love chex. ♪ [ male announcer ] and now try new gluten free apple cinnamon chex.
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we've got some new developments in the case of a bicycle stolen with from a boy with special needs. thanks to some help from fox 5, the bike has been returned. >> beth parker went looking for the man police say is to blame
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for this. >> reporter: the bike is back. >> like we said in the first place all we really wanted as the bike back. >> reporter: but hagerstown police wanted something more after ethan had his $8,000 tricycle stolen in june. it was hand made for eatingen. he has an illness that limits muscle tone and caused rapid weight gain. a sewer saw eatingen's story on the news and recognized the bike from craigslist. it was traced to a shop in dundalk, maryland. the owner said he got the bike from somebody else. now, police have chargeed a hagerstown man with theft and malicious destruction of property. 36-year-old john orr came outside and right up to our camera. >> i don't hate police officers.
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i sympathize with the job they have to do. nothing happened. you'll hear from my lawyer. it is just that simple. >> reporter: you didn't take the bike? >> you'll hear from my lawyer. no comment. >> >> reporter: ethan is pleased to have his bike again. but it is hard to ride because there are $1500 of damage. age anonymous donor has stepped for what to pay for repairs. >> he has a child who has a disability and he understand what it means. >> reporter: now, ethan's grandmother says this is no longer just a story about a boy and his bike. she says this whole situation has brought a lot of people in hagerstown together. >> i think ethan has learne that there are people out there that care about him. it doesn't matter where we go, there will be someone who recognizes him as a little boy on tv would lost his bike and
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they're so excited that his bike came home. >> reporter: in hagerstown, beth parker, fox 5 news. >> we are glad he has it back. maryland governor martin o'malley is leading a new partner to get more families into more energy efficient homes. >> bob barnard shows us how. >> reporter: they are building a community of new homes near downtown frederick priced from the mid 200s, built at smart green homes where they say it almost pays to go green. >> we got our first bill. it was 50 cents for the electric. we are expecting that eventually they will be paying us. >> reporter: maryland governor martin o'malley toured the community today and praised the builder's work. >> we all know we live in changes times. the question is what wear going to make of these times and whether we are going to make something new and something better. >> they are called net zero
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homes. >> it should come out to zero. >> reporter: she is talking about the cost of heating her new home. >> we spent about $3,000 a year on heating costs in new hampshire. for us, being in a super insulated home is going to be fabulous. >> reporter: there no ac units outside and solar panels are nearly are every rooftop. >> you put it on the roof, you run a wire to the breaker box and you are making power. >> reporter: even in bad weather, according to the manufacture anticipation sales reps. >> you can see what your system is doing on the computer. people call me and say there is still a foot of snow on the panel but they're making power. >> reporter: the company is based in sterling, virginia but says 95% of what they make is shipped overseas to countries like india and israel, germany and spain. governor o'malley says maryland is offering incentives to make it more appealing for more people to buy in. >> the combination of the net
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metering law which allows the home owner to sell energy back to the grid, the solar tax credit and the geothermal tax credit. when you stack the credits, it brings down the initial selling price of the house so that it is competitive in the marketplace. >> reporter: the seller telling us about 10 to 15% more than a new home that is not green. the summer movie season is winding down. we'll look at a preview of what is ahead on the big screen this fall. >> harper, there goes another one. see you later! how about upstairs? >> why not? bryce harper's bat wasn't the only thing making highlights though. we'll show you why he got ejected. coming up next. bryce!
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in sports, the nats look to
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end a five-game skid in miami. bryce harper hit a two-run blast to the right to get on the scoreboard first. he would go at it again with a solo hem run in the fifth but the rookie ended up getting tossed from the game when he slammed his helmet in frustration in the ninth. the nats still go on to win 8- 4. >> he is not very happy. >> you might have caught a movie or two over the summer but the fall is promising real blockbusters too. >> adam housley gives us a sneak peek. >> reporter: the summer movie season is winding down but fall promises more blockbuster releases. >> welcome to the new mi6. >> james bond is back in the franchise's 23rd film. stolen stars nicholas cage as a
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former thief. dread 3-d is about few if you are crime fighters. lian neeson is on the run in taken 2. tyler perry is alex cross playing a grief stricken detective out for revenge. paranormal activity take on the unknown and twilight saga part two brings the seriesy to close. denzel washington police a heroic airline fight olympic in flight. gerard butler surfs the big waves in chasing maverick. ang lee brings life of pie to the big screen and viola davis tries to change the failing school system in won't back down. >> good science by definition allows for more than one opinion. >> reporter: philip seymour hoffman stars in the masters. jake gyllenhaal plays a cop in end of watch and bradley cooper plays a frustrated rider who


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